Entries by Tracey Bryan

Recovery or Revival?

As published in the Las Cruces Bulletin – May 15, 2020 by Tracey Bryan Without question, COVID-19 has plunged us into far more than a health crisis. It has created a tidal wave of change in our daily lives, and, indeed, the “cure” has been painful – nationally, 16 people have lost their jobs for every one person who’s […]

Finding Certainty in a Time of Uncertainty

As published in the Las Cruces Sun-News – May 4, 2020 by Tracey Bryan The impact of COVID-19 on jobs, businesses, and incomes is heartbreaking. Unemployment rates locally had already jumped from 5% to 7.5% as of March. From March to April, postings for available jobs in the Workforce Connections system declined by just over […]

Perspectives Change in a Pandemic

As published in the Las Cruces Bulletin – April 17, 2020 by Tracey Bryan It turns out that pandemics provide perspective.  The literal upending of our collective lives in response to COVID-19 have given us a new-found appreciation for basic things we used to not give even a second thought to, like toilet paper, shaking […]

The Rise of Coronavirus Heroes

As published in the Las Cruces Sun-News – April 6, 2020 by Tracey Bryan There are heroes all over our community. In the midst of this present COVID-19 crisis, we see it in living color. Thousands of children have food on the table, thanks to the tireless efforts of cafeteria workers, teachers, and our school […]

Our People Are the Greatest Assets We Have

As published in the Las Cruces Bulletin – March 20, 2020 by Tracey Bryan When we developed the website, NewMexicoTrueTalent.org, it was an intentional strategy to build awareness of the incredible opportunities that our community has to offer to the greatest assets we have…our people. We wanted our people to know what’s possible, what’s real, […]

What Do Employers Need? Well-Qualified Talent

Originally published in the Las Cruces Sun-News on Monday, March 2, 2020 The gap between education and employment continues to widen and at lightning speed.  But coming up in our schools and colleges is a flood of future talent. They have unique gifts, talents, and skills. They are digital natives who have never known a […]

Connecting Education, Employment, and Economic Development

Originally published in the Las Cruces Bulletin on Friday, February 21, 2019 A wave of change is taking place in New Mexico. This one actually begins after the legislative session.  In regions across our state, business community members and economic developers are going to come alongside educators and other local stakeholders to discuss how to use investments […]

US Chamber Invests in Our Community’s Work

Originally published in the Las Cruces Sun-News on Monday, February 3, 2020 Talent drives economic prosperity.   Talent (in the form of a well-skilled person) is built through education and training. Talent then becomes the greatest asset of any business or public sector employer. Talent, employed in local industries vital to the economy, renders life-long financial […]

Recent Reports Confirm “Why” We’re Right

Originally published in the Las Cruces Bulletin on Friday, January 17, 2020 I am constantly reading reports – national, state, and local best practices, case studies, and recommendations on interventions and approaches relative to workforce development. Many of these reports inform our work. Others confirm it. We know that effective workforce development in Doña Ana […]